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    • #26828
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      The beetle and the frog.

      The Regimbartia attenuata beetle manages to emerge from the digestive tract unscathed by moving its legs to stimulate the defecation reflex.

      A particularly unpleasant tickle but which is nothing compared to other techniques used by certain insects. (Read more)

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      Nicholas Coolman

    • #26830


      I don’t dare imagine what saucy moral would have drawn La Fontaine from the fable “The Frog and the Beetle”?

    • #26843


      I found a moral to this story that I think La Fontaine would not have disavowed.

      “In life, when you find yourself in trouble, don’t count on others to get you out of it, you have to figure it out yourself.”

    • #26845
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master


      Excellent moral :)

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #27011

      Speaking of frogs, it reminds me of this story linked to the concept of “Nature”

      a scorpion which was walking on the banks of a river asked a frog to carry it on its back to cross the river. The frog, somewhat taken aback, afraid of being stung during the journey, replied: “I would do it, but you will sting me.” The scorpion defended himself: “I can assure you, I won’t do it! I can't swim, I need you, I want to go to the other shore. Again, the frog argues: “If I know, you will sting me! I know your reputation! » The scorpion replied: “Please, I have to cross and I promise not to sting you. »The scorpion defended itself again with confidence. He made her understand that he was not crazy, if he pricked her, they would both sink. “A little common sense, let’s see! "The frog, overcome with a surge of confidence, nodded, "Let's go then! »The scorpion climbed on its back, but halfway, at the height of the river's current, where the whirlwinds are the most violent, the scorpion stung the frog with its stinger. The frog, stunned by this act of betrayal , agonizing, dying, addressed the scorpion: “But you promised me! you too are going to die,” “I’m a scorpion, I can’t do anything about it, it’s in my nature,” the scorpion replied.

      To meditate

    • #27012
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Hello Ernesto,

      I knew this story with the scorpion, what moral can I draw from it?

      Never trust your enemy perhaps?


      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #27022

      It's a metaphor

      I do not see a morality in it, but rather a reflection on the concepts of Nature and Culture, unlike the animal which only obeys its nature, the human being is never reducible to a “nature”? Unlike the animal, here the scorpion, man always has a choice. It's rare to see a man do things against his own interests to the point of self-destruction like the scorpion does in this story. But we can see many other things there...




    • #27024

      Finally, yes, there is a moral:

      “Never be the frog”

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