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    • #26566
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      clubicPeerTube, A French and free alternative to YouTube

      Two years after the crowdfunding that led to its birth, PeerTube, the free French alternative to YouTube, continues to thrive. Framasoft, the free software development association behind the project, unveils version 2.3 of PeerTube. (Read more)

      PeerTube is free software, under the AGPLv3.0 license, for decentralized video hosting thanks to peer-to-peer distribution, created in 2015 and supported by Framasoft. It works on the principle of a federation of instances hosted by autonomous entities. Wikipedia

      YouTube is a video hosting website and social media where users can upload, watch, comment on, rate and share streaming videos. Wikipedia


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      Nicholas Coolman

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