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    • #27185

      curious, I went anonymous, even though it’s really me Che the initiator of this topic in 2020

      broad topic ,

      To believe with certainty, you must begin with doubt.




    • #27191


      About Robespierre

      Lyrics of the song Maximilien by Serge Reggiani (excerpts)

      …And if he had died on the cross,
      The supreme being in whom I believe,
      If he were the Father and the Son?…
      If the good Lord of the above
      Passed into the rising sun
      When the executioner does his office?…
      …And if the refractory priests
      Had, alone, understood the mysteries,
      If it were true, their prayers?…
      Doubt, doubt, sometimes
      Is stronger than faith,
      What if doubt was right?…

      So thought Maximilian
      In the cart of silence,
      Before the knife darts,
      Hands not joined under the bonds.


    • #27198

      All that to say, especially in these times when we hear everything and its opposite

      Doubt is an unpleasant mental state, but certainty is ridiculous. (Voltaire)

    • #27206

      doubt is consubstantial with thought. Taking up Descartes’ cogito “I think therefore I am”, we could add: “I doubt therefore I think” , and as I said above, quoting Voltaire, if doubt is an unpleasant mental state, certainty is ridiculous.

    • #27235

      In this vein, as in 1984, anyone who doubts that 2+2=5 will be considered a conspiracy theorist. 

    • #27246

      There remains lucidity, but do we not say that lucidity is the wound closest to the sun. 



    • #27249

      or as Mark Twain thought

      it would be necessary to “achieve the doubt of doubt, which would be the beginning of certainty”


    • #27250

      Even Jesus just before dying on the cross would have doubted his father

      “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?


    • #27255

      when I said above that in a normal society, it is up to the reader to form an opinion by reading contradictory things, it is true, but the problem is that he will tend to preferentially move towards an opinion which is closest to his, and so we go in circles…..

    • #27259

      By talking about doubt, a fundamental doubt comes to me:

      Am I what I realize I am? 


    • #27260

      Well, after a day of “objective” introspection, I deduced that I was what I was conscious of being, but a doubt haunts me (don't see any saucy allusions there)  , have I not voluntarily or involuntarily obscured certain elements of my unconscious which are at the origin of what I am. So how to get out of this psychological maze. I feel that I am going to embark on a psychoanalysis, but not the Freudian one, because after having read The Twilight of an Idol de Onfray, I am quite reluctant to consider this type of therapy, I will instead move towards cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy (CBT), a much briefer and above all less expensive therapy because we must be wary of traditional psychoanalysis, it has a side effect: we become poor   all this to note, that after all this verbiage that everyone doesn't care about, and of that I have no doubt , I remain skeptical and doubtful about my ability to get out of this dilemma: can we be and have been? and can we have been without being?

    • #27264

      But it’s true that certainty is comfortable and reassuring . I remember the interview of a very great mountaineer to whom a journalist asked the question: “Are you considering a fall? ”, “no,” she replied, “I am not considering the fall because the fall EST unthinkable.” At the time I didn't quite understand what she meant, but later I understood that when she set out to climb a peak, she certainly knew the risks, but she did everything in her preparation to not having to think about it, that was the meaning of her response because if she started thinking, she wouldn't leave. Although the fields are different, we find the same mechanism of thought among sectarian, fundamentalist people, full of certainties, in religion, in politics etc... they do everything to avoid having to ask themselves the question: "what if all my life, I was wrong” because then everything would collapse around them and the fact of thinking that their whole life has been nothing but deception and imposture is unthinkable for them. This is the very principle of all ideology.

    • #27267

      Finally Jean Gabin was right

      “All my youth, I wanted to say I know
      Only, the more I searched
      And then the less I knew
      There are 60 strokes that rang on the clock
      I'm still at my window, I look, and I wonder
      Now I know, I know you never know”

    • #27269

      I like what Nietzsche said: “it’s not doubt, it’s certainty that drives you crazy”

      It is not hesitation, uncertainty, indecision that leads to madness, it is knowing too much, or believing too much that one knows, being sure of knowing to the point of no longer doubt at all...

    • #27270

      I have doubts about the interest this topic arouses. , although as long as it is not a certainty, hope is always present and we know well that apart from hope everything we have limits…..

    • #27272

      To speak of uncertainty, of doubt, is to pose the essential problem of philosophy, that of truth. –

      “doubt is the homage we pay to the truth”  Ernest RENAN

    • #27275

      But be careful, there are several kinds of doubts, the one who doubts to find the truth is Cartesian doubt, and the skeptic who seeks the truth, but since he does not find it, he will doubt everything. the skeptic suffers his doubt while Descartes chooses to doubt, so that his doubt is free and voluntary


    • #27289

      Doubt offers us a space of freedom that certainty annihilates. Freedom implies a choice that we do not have in certainty

    • #27293

      Don't we say that doubt always benefits the accused, it's still a positive side of doubt, although I sometimes have doubts about the said doubt of the jurors, but that's another story ….

    • #27294

      Certainty is alienating and inevitably leads to ideology, by nature it refuses contradiction.

    • #27301

      as a child, I was always sure that Santa Claus existed, now I have doubts , although continuing to believe in it for a long time doesn't it unconsciously make it difficult to leave one's childhood behind?

    • #27305

      This morning I got up with a huge doubt, but I don't remember what, and yet I am certain that I had this doubt. So since then I have never stopped trying to find this doubt that haunted me, in vain, and yet I am certain that I had doubts!!!!

    • #27306

      “Besides, I sometimes doubt everything so much that I’m not always sure I’m doubting”

    • #27314

      The only certainty I have is that one day I will die, that said, I do not see the necessity or the urgency of providing proof of this.


    • #27315

      It’s curious that religious doubt is similar to a crisis of It was , is fasting enough to chase away the doubt that invades minds?

    • #27316

      In fact what I fear the most in doubt is no longer doubting!!!!

    • #27332
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Hello Ernesto,

      I intended to intervene, but ultimately I got a doute and I didn't do it! In any case there have been nearly 400 views of the subject.

      Good night


      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #27333

      Hello Nico

      you did well to abstain, because when in doubt we abstain

      yes, I know the subject has been seen quite a few times, that at least is a certainty and it's nice

      thank you for intervening

    • #27377


      well, since the number of readings increases, I will remove the doubt that assailed me by continuing to doubt, because “I can doubt everything, but not the reality of my doubt”

      recently, I had the opportunity to talk about doubt with a priest, we had a cordial exchange, and if his answers interest you, I will give you a summary in a future post, no doubt!! !!!

    • #27388

      The only certainty I have is that one day I will die, and of that I would have liked to be able to doubt

    • #27389

      I will never buy anything from Redoute, because I already have enough doubts, if I had to Redoute!!!!!

    • #27393

      Like a pain grading scale of 1 to 10, if we made a scale of doubt as to the quality and objectivity of information in the media, I would rate BFM at 9 on the scale of doubt , fortunately there is France Info and their famous slogan “with France Info, everything is clearer” which would allow us to move to 8

    • #27396

      For example when I see Christophe Barbier and his red scarf, doubt arises in a shattering way :yes:

    • #27397

      Olivier Adam is a writer, he was born in Paris. In this letter addressed to his compatriots, he mocks with irony those who think they know everything, and proposes a vibrant praise of doubt.

      My dear, my dear compatriot,

      I admire you, you know. Oh yes how I admire you. We don't do it to you, eh? You know everything about the underside of the cards, don't you? Who lies to us and what is hidden from us. Who pulls the strings and who benefits from the crime. In all things, you know what to do. What should have been done. What it will take. Your skills are limitless. The extent of your knowledge is infinite. Your infallible instinct. I knew you as an economist, sociologist, historian, judge, prosecutor, screenwriter, coach of the football team.

      I discovered you these days as a virologist, epidemiologist, specialist in health crisis management and pandemics. You really impress me. I read you in the newspapers and on social networks. I listen to you on the radio, on television and in line at the market gardener, in the aisles of the G20.

      And how I envy you. How exhilarating it must be to know everything about everything and always be right. To have such simple answers to so many complex questions – and sometimes the opposite. To be an expert in so many disciplines. To always know who to incriminate. Who to believe and who to condemn. To right so many wrongs. To thwart so many plots. To crack up on so many naive people. For holding the truth and having confiscated it once and for all from those who do not deserve it. For those who don't know how to use it. The hesitant. The undecided. The picky ones. Those who don't always know. Who wonder. To whom it seems. Who needs proof? Who question. Temperate. They say it's not that simple. Split the hair into quarters. The apostles of nuance. The objection freaks. These cowards who don't belch on social networks. Do not sign incendiary forums or posts, full of rage, peremptory and therefore fair. Fair by definition. Righteous by the law of the one who shouts the loudest. These cowards who don't give their opinion on everything on TV, on the radio, on the networks, at the cafe, with family, with friends. And imbeciles refrain from commenting on subjects they do not understand. To condemn without proof. These people who doubt, as Anne Sylvestre sang about them. And who are reluctant to decree. Oh you know these ones. These killjoys always made you laugh, speaking so quietly, turning a question around in all directions before formulating a hypothesis. HAS sometimes think against themselves. To distrust false evidence. Hasty conclusions. Anathemas. These quibblers. Fortunately they are in the minority. Or they hide. The networks, the platforms, the cafés of certainties have deserted. Stay silent during family gatherings. Fortunately. What would be missing is for them to come and spoil the atmosphere with their scruples, their nuances, their reservations, their objections

      What would be more lacking if they stopped you from being right in everything and all the time. And to make it known by shouting.

      Come on. I leave you. I return to my doubts, my hesitations, my incompetence. ”

      Oliver Adam


    • #27403

      the president to the accused: Sir, the jurors find you not guilty with the benefit of the doubt, you are free and the accused to respond, thank you Mr. President, but as I do not like to remain in doubt, I appeal of this judgment!!!!!

    • #27404

      As Pierre Desproges said: “The only certainty I have is to be in doubt.”

    • #27418

      Doubt is the aphrodisiac of intelligence :yes:

    • #27438

      The Anti Raoults will be reassured : Whistle:

    • #27440

      Lyrics of the song People Who Doubt by Anne Sylvestre

      I like people who doubt
      People who listen too much
      Their hearts swing
      I like people who say
      And who contradict each other
      And without denouncing yourself

      I like people who tremble
      That sometimes they seem to us
      Capable of judging
      I like people passing by
      Half in their shoes
      And half next

      I like their little song
      Even if they look like idiots

      I like people who panic
      Those who are not logical
      Well, not “as it should”
      Those who, with their chains
      So that it doesn't bother us
      Make a sound like a bell

      Those who will not be ashamed
      To not be at the end of the day
      Only failures of the heart
      For not knowing how to say:
      “Deliver us from the worst
      And keep the best”

      I like their little song
      Even if they look like idiots

      I like people who don't dare
      Take ownership of things
      Even less people
      Those who do not want to be
      Just a simple window
      For children's eyes

      Those who without a banner
      And color blind at heart
      Ignore colors
      Those who are quite pear-shaped
      So that never the story
      Give them the honors

      I like their little song
      Even if they look like idiots

      I like people who doubt

      But would like us to fuck them
      Peace from time to time
      And don't mistreat them
      Never when they walk
      Their autumns in spring

      Let them be told that the soul
      Makes more beautiful flames
      That all these sad asses
      And we thank them
      Let us tell them, we shout to them:
      “Thank you for living

      Thank you for the tenderness
      And too bad for your butt
      Who did what they could”

    • #27442

      extract from the beauty of doubt by Florent Pagny

      Where does happiness come from, where dreams grow
      The glow of our hearts when the day dawns
      Where does love hide when it sleeps
      There are so many things we don't know
      Should we choose a life without erasures?
      Or write without rereading to follow the adventure
      The future plays chords with us
      That we cannot yet know
      It took me trips and mirages to be sure of myself
      Today I know that I don't know

      Don't ask me where the right path is
      Even if everyone has their own
      Nobody knows his way
      And that's the beauty of doubt

    • #27452

      An example of the absolute refusal of doubt is magnificently given to us by Father Paneloux in “The Plague” by Albert Camus where we discover this character with an uncompromising, abstract and absolute faith. Far too rigid, Father Paneloux never sees his faith shaken when he sees innocent people perish from this scourge and even the most innocent of all: The child.

      His attitude is summed up by Tarroux, Doctor Rieux's friend in this sentence: When innocence has its eyes gouged out, a Christian must lose his faith or accept having his eyes gouged out. Paneloux does not want to lose faith, he will go to the end ".

    • #27453

      It is better to remain silent and be seen as an idiot rather than to speak and leave no doubt on the subject. Indeed if I look at things from this angle, maybe I should have closed it sooner, right? I have a sudden doubt  : Whistle:


    • #27464

      Concerning the health crisis and the coronavirus, I am appalled by the number of people who are full of certainties, they do not know the doubt, they affirm, they affirm, they affirm all day long. It seems to me that regarding this pandemic a certain humility would be required, but no, everyone seems to hold the truth . So for that, indeed, what I wrote in the previous post is completely justified, namely: It is better to remain silent and appear like an idiot rather than to speak and leave no doubt on the subject

    • #27466

      Hello Nico

      A big doubt has just crept into me, I hope that the 700 views of the topic discussed do not mainly come from you : Whistle:

    • #27468
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Hello Ernesto,

      No, don't worry, I'll take away your doubts :yahoo:

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #27470

      you took away my doubt, I feel better :yes:

    • #27472

      that's it, it took me a while, but through doubt, I got my diploma

    • #27473

      I must say that this diploma opens a lot of doors for me, so much so that recently I wanted to enter a private reception. the security guard at the entrance told me “you don’t doubt anything!!!!! , you will not return.” I showed him my diploma, he saw that he was wrong, he let me in :yes:

    • #27475
      Alain Mas

      I suppose you do your shopping at the redoubt? B-)

    • #27476
    • #27477

      Be careful, Cartesian doubt is not at all skeptical doubt, there is a gap between the two :yahoo:

    • #27479

      Is doubt contagious? , just in case, I put this sign on my front door



    • #27500

      My default forum avatar is completely representative of someone who doubts, we feel like a confident guy :good:

    • #27501

      How curious, I found myself in this video (in all modesty) :yes:

    • #27502

      “I think I would always prefer the tremor of doubt to the false comfort of certainty”

      Marie Noël poet

    • #27505

      What plunges me even more into doubt is that given the number of “views”, there has not been a single manifestation from a person who expresses a doubt about what I say, even if it means telling me ;” you annoy us with your doubts “, no, it’s absolute silence, it’s the sidereal void, it’s complete nothingness. Surprising, right? :-(

    • #27506

      And now, it's final, I've had enough of soliloquizing in the void, :bye:

    • #27510
      Alain Mas

      Damn it's closed :bye:

    • #27820

      The store is temporarily closed, but if you have any doubts, you can leave them in front of the gate, or report them here, :bye:

    • #27827

      I just stopped by to see if any doubts had been raised, but nothing, you have to believe that you are full of certainties, I pity you, but at the same time, I envy you, life must be so much simpler


    • #27845

      Make an effort, don't leave me alone in doubt, I'm sure you have at home even just a little doubt at the bottom of a drawer. Only idiots have no doubts, I'm sure of that  . Even, and I recognize it, if it is difficult to identify a doubt with certainty?

    • #27852
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Patience, someone will eventually doubt and answer  :yahoo:

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #27853

      Hello Nicolas

      Take away a doubt from me Nicolas, you have one to share with me, just a little one ;-)

    • #27856
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      What has always made me doubt is the fact that we cannot come out of a black hole. : Unsure:

      In astrophysics, a black hole is a celestial object so compact that the intensity of its gravitational field prevents any form of matter or radiation from escaping from it. Wikipedia

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #27857

      So apparently if you have this doubt, it's because you can admit the possibility that something could come out of a black hole. I think that your doubt will not be resolved soon and that you will have to live with it ;-)

    • #27864

      Remarks, in these conditions, it is difficult to get out, there is no doubt ;-)

    • #27865

      By dint of doubt, I tend to call this number too often, they will start to have doubts :yes:

    • #27866

      To forget my doubts, all I have left is this, but if it becomes an addiction, I will have to go “To the anonymous doubters”

      “Hello, my name is Le Che and I have always had doubts” : Unsure:

    • #27858





    • #27859

      when in doubt I reboot  : Whistle:


    • #27871

      In any case, I always save my doubts in my cerebral cortex in case I become overconfident, which avoids my formatting. ;-)

    • #27872

      According to some neurobiologists, the epicenter of doubt is located in the prefrontal cortex which we see below on the left. As I said above, this is where I make my backups.

    • #27873

      The problem is if I want to do a factory reset, I'll have to go back a long way

    • #27877

      Even when I leave someone for a few moments, I'm not sure I'll see them again, when leaving, I tell them "probably on time" : Unsure:

    • #27879

      More seriously, I have just read a text by a psychoanalyst on doubt, where she says in conclusion what is very beautiful and very true:

      Creating the opening of a thought that is frozen by too great certainties, respectful of the nuances of perception, doubt, in the best case, as long as it is not pathological, regenerates inspiration, when the imposed (or supposed) reality prohibits hope or no longer responds to expectations or needs or to desires.

    • #27887

      I noticed, when you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt

    • #27888

      doubt haunts me so much that I end up making misunderstandings; recently, I asked a trader: “ how much doubt? “, he looked at me, and I caught a kind of doubt in his eyes : Unsure:

    • #27897

      The problem is that I am not sure of my doubts and I wonder if they are really doubts. I tried to find two contradictory doubts that would cancel each other out and become a certainty, but it's not easy. :scratch:

    • #27898
      Alain Mas

      If my friends' friends doubt, should I doubt my friends? : Whistle:

    • #27899

      no, it is not your friends that you must doubt but the doubt of your friends, which is not the same thing ;-)

    • #27901

      it should also be noted that the fact that I can imagine a doubt does not mean that I doubt :scratch:

    • #27902

      There cannot be doubt without real reason to doubt. In the same way that knowledge must be justified, so must doubt. Can I doubt what I want to doubt?

    • #27919

      Am I free because I doubt or do I doubt because I am free?

    • #27920

      If I continue to doubt like this, I will soon be called the Doubtche!!!!!! :negative:

    • #27933

      Philosophy teaches us to doubt what seems obvious to us. Propaganda, on the contrary, teaches us to accept as obvious what it would be reasonable to doubt.. (Aldous Huxley)

      it couldn't be more true

    • #27956

      If there is one subject that sows doubt in my mind, it is everything we read and everything we hear about this health crisis. where is the true where is the false, that is the question as William would say. Still, there is a kind of fear that has taken hold of many people and which surprised me by its extent. Is it really justified? I am going to share with you facts which disturbed me by their exacerbation. Every day I go for a walk around my house, it allows me to relax and think. I walk down the sidewalk like a very reasonable person :yes: , however, I noticed that if a person walks on the same sidewalk coming towards me, I see them crossing to the other side of the road. I didn't pay much attention to it the first time, but as it happened quite often, I started to ask myself questions!!!!! You must have lost the slightest common sense to be able to do that. If this continues, when we leave our homes, we will have to take a leper's bell to warn of our passage. I admit that I remain perplexed and doubtful in the face of this type of demonstration which clearly shows that a climate of terror which is not based on anything coherent has infiltrated the population. This anxiety-provoking climate, whether intended or not, it is not up to me to answer, shows to what extent man can be anesthetized, lobotomized, destructured, and that challenges me somewhere, to deny it would be to show bad faith


    • #27967

      Doubt gradually leads to the light of truth

    • #27968

      The doubt

      The white Truth sleeps at the bottom of a great well.
      More than one flees this abyss or never pays attention to it;
      I, through a dark love, venture there all alone,
      I go down there through the darkest of nights.

      And I drag the cable as far as I can.
      Now, I have unrolled it to the end: I look,
      And, arms outstretched, eyes haggard,
      I oscillate without seeing anything or encountering support.

      She is there however, I hear her breathing;
      But, eternal pendulum that its power attracts,
      I go back and forth and feel for the shadow in vain.

      Will I not be able to lengthen this floating rope,
      Nor go back to the day whose gaiety tempts me?
      And must I swing endlessly in horror?

      (Sully Prudhomme)

    • #27985

      I no longer know who this historical character is who, having lived in religious doubt all his life, uttered these last words before dying:

      “Finally, I will know”

    • #27988

      “The most precious wealth that remains to us is only doubt; if we try to sow it, we will reap faith and courage.”

      so I got to work

    • #27989

      doubt everything, otherwise you will end up sincerely accepting any truth, however contradictory it may be (2+2 =5) as one of the characters in the novel 1984 does. It's tragic, but what's happening now makes me think that we're not far from it.

    • #28005

      on the other hand this evening  no doubt  the bullfighter's wife will be able to sleep soundly :yahoo:

    • #28008

      Hey, the last image reminds me of a story. A little humor in the midst of doubt can't hurt. Besides, don't we say that humor needs doubt to circulate. or that humor is the shadow of a doubt about things?

      He is a French tourist who is on vacation in Madrid, in the evening he decides to go to a restaurant. The waiter asks him what he wants. The tourist replies: I came to your place to eat local specialties, what do you have to offer me? The waiter recommends a dish that is unanimously appreciated in his restaurant and which is truly the specialty of the house, namely bull cojones. The surprised customer asks him what they are, to which the waiter replies that they are bull testicles and as his restaurant is next to the bullring, they arrive all fresh. You'll see he says it's an absolutely delicious dish. A little skeptical at first, the client lets himself be convinced. A few minutes later the waiter brought him the dish in question. The flavor is extraordinary, the dish in question is divine, with large pieces of meat prepared with a sumptuous sauce. At the end of the meal, the customer told the waiter that it was so good that he would come back the next day with a friend to make him taste this succulent meal. The next evening the two friends go to the restaurant and order the same dish. When the waiter brings them, the two friends start to eat, but it has nothing to do with what he had eaten the day before. He calls the boy and says to him: “But that’s not at all what I ate last night, the pieces of meat are tiny, the taste is really more than doubtful, sour and tasteless, it’s absolutely inedible what happened ? "I'm sorry the waiter replies, but you still have to know that it's not always the bullfighter who wins :yes:

    • #28009

      So, and we always come back to it, we have to doubt everything, even what we eat. : Whistle:

    • #28015

      According to psychoanalysts, doubt, a revealer of human vulnerability, is also the strength of those who dare and allow it, because it encourages us to put strangeness into words and to think about what is in question in order to understand it. grasp the meaning.”

    • #28017

      Finally after careful consideration I give God the benefit of the doubt, and that suits me :yes:

    • #28028

      Doubt will have been my traveling companion, it has guided me through all the labyrinths of life, I have never doubted it, it has never betrayed me, it has always been at my side, and like as Musset says so well in “December Night” speaking of solitude, I could echo his verses when speaking of doubt.

      Tell me why I keep finding you
      Sitting in the shadows where I passed.
      Who then are you, solitary visitor,
      Assiduous host of my pains?

      Wherever, constantly altered
      From the thirst of an ignored world,
      I followed the shadow of my dreams;
      Wherever, without having lived,
      I saw again what I had seen,
      The human face and its lies;


    • #28030

      I hope you will have appreciated my eclectic side, going from bull cojones to Alfred de Musset, you have to do it!!!!!! , but Alfred won't blame me, I have no doubt

    • #28033

      In fact, I think I created this subject because it reminds me of the subject of the BAC that I had in philosophy. It's in a way an emotional reminiscence, it's my little madeleine of Proust. And I'm going to give myself flowers for once, I got 17/20. But I believe that I had not used all the elements which I used here to illustrate my remarks

    • #28034

      Let's say I was more nuanced ;-)

    • #28035

      the older I get, the more confident I gain in my doubts

    • #28036

      In fact, just as Monsieur Jourdain wrote prose without knowing it, I write Zététique without knowing it.

      Zététique is defined as “the art of doubt, the term of art being understood in the sense of skill, profession or technical knowledge, in short, of didactic “know-how” which, without being an end in itself , is a means for reflection and critical inquiry.

      The Zététique method is a tool allowing you to exercise critical thinking based on methodical doubt and allowing you to make an informed sorting between probable information and falsely true information. This tool is not used to be absolutely right, but to realize when you are wrong so that you can constantly revise your judgments with full knowledge of the facts.

    • #28038

      By writing about doubt, I will end up doubting what I write ;-)

    • #28040

      I admit that I have had enough of preaching into the void, it is a shame that on such a fascinating theme, apart from Nicolas and Alain, no one has taken the trouble to post even a simple remark personal. A debate is made up of mutual exchanges, but hey I'm not going to pull you by the cojones (for those who have  :yahoo: ) to force you to do it.

      I'm withdrawing quietly, and thank you at least for reading me, that's already it ;-)


    • #28047
      Alain Mas


      Despite your perseverance, this subject has not received much response, but I suppose that there are many people, like me, who have been able to read your thoughts and know those of the great authors of this world. I am certain that this subject has not been useless for those who still doubt… ;-)


    • #28049

      Thank you Alain for stopping by,

      I didn't want to close without quoting this magnificent text by Arthur Rimbaud

      We can't know! – We are overwhelmed
      From a cloak of ignorance and narrow chimeras!
      Monkeys of men fallen from the vulva of mothers,
      Our pale reason hides the infinite from us!
      We want to watch: – Doubt punishes us!
      Doubt, a dull bird, strikes us with its wings...
      – And the horizon flees with an eternal flight!…

    • #28367


      just an observation. Although I closed the subject more than two weeks ago, I note that the number of views is increasing regularly. Curious !!!!!!!! Or are there more people who doubt than I thought?

    • #28453



    • #28462


      I am not a medical expert, but there is a question that I legitimately ask myself: How did a group of doctors (around a hundred) according to what I have read dare to file a complaint for quackery with the council of the order tells Professor Raoult. So this professor specializing in infectious diseases renowned throughout the world who has made lots of unanimously acclaimed publications is just a charlatan??????? we think we're dreaming. Behind all this I only see a conflict of interest on the part of the pharmaceutical labs for whom the prospect of colossal profits makes them lose all ethical notion.

    • #28464
      Alain Mas


      Ernesto, I am of the same opinion as you about Professor Raoult.

    • #28470


    • #28731

      “Freedom of expression ends where the inconvenient truth begins”

      “Man removes or modifies what bothers him. And the most disturbing thing is often the truth.”

    • #28785


      A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt about every truth expressed.

    • #30803

      “Suicide is doubt seeking truth.”

      I hope I’m not at that stage yet. : Unsure:

    • #30968

      For the journalist, everything that is probable is true, for him, doubt does not exist

    • #31502

      A man under a lamppost searches for his car keys. he searches in every corner, an intrigued passerby who has been looking at him for a while approaches him, and asks him what he is looking for, so he starts looking with him, after a while the passerby, convinced that the keys are not there asks him: “are you sure you lost them here”? No, the man answers. “So why look for them here rather than in the area where you lost them”?
      “it’s that where I lost them it’s dark and I can’t see anything….while here there is light and we can see clearly”

      This story, if it makes you smile, probably few people understood what it meant from a philosophical point of view.

      “The light of the street lamp is not real light, it is artificial light and not that of the spirit. The circle of light from the street lamp symbolizes the sphere of our illusory knowledge, and this is why, by acting in this way, we remain on the surface of things. The True (knowledge), what we lack, what we have lost, is found in the night of the intellect. So, if you feel that you have lost “something”….search in the night, in the light of the Spirit “

    • #31541

      In fact, doubt is consubstantial to me

    • #31545

      I sometimes doubt myself even physically; recently, I was with a friend, I was looking at myself in a mirror. I wondered if the face reflected in the mirror was really mine. My friend seeing me preoccupied took the mirror and looked. Well no, he tells me, it’s me!!!!


    • #31549

      There are nights of doubt, when anguish twists you,

      Where the soul, at the end of the downward spiral,

      Pale and suspended on the terrible infinity,

      Feel the wind from the abyss, and retreat frantically!

      There are nights of doubt, when anguish twists you,

      And, on those nights, I am in the shadows like the dead.

      (Albert Samain)

    • #31554

      Have you ever wondered if you really exist?


    • #31555
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Do I Really Exist?


      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #31556

      “I met a traveler returning from an ancient land
      Who told me: “Two immense stone legs devoid of busts
      Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
      Half buried, lies a broken face whose frowned brow,

      The puckered lip and the grin of cold authority
      They say that its sculptor knew how to read the passions
      Which, engraved on these lifeless objects, still survive
      To the hand that imitated them and the heart that nourished them.

      And on the pedestal there are these words:
      " My name is ozymandias, King of Kings.
      See my work, O mighty ones, and despair! »

      Next to it, nothing remains. Around the ruins
      Of this colossal wreck, infinite and naked,
      The monotonous and solitary sands stretch far away.”

    • #31562

      “Thinking is an adventure. No one can say where he will land, or else it is no longer thinking. The prerequisite for any idea in anyone is radical doubt. Not with regard to what is doubtful, because that is too easy, but with regard to what most resembles the true because, even the true, thought must do it and redo it. If you want to know, you must start by no longer believing, by no longer giving customs the visa of the spirit. A thought is a doubt, because whatever force custom has, and even if the thinker conforms to it, custom will never be proof.”

      I quite agree with what the philosopher Alain says

    • #31564

      Hope and doubt

    • #31567

      A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt about every truth expressed.

      the management of the health crisis is a blatant example of this

    • #31707

      As Grand Corps Malade tells us:

      It's just a day of doubt, it won't last long
      It's just another day added
      We all know these passages,
      Certainties taken hostage, it's just a day of doubt.
      It's just a day of doubt, it's waking up with no appetite
      Like a sleepless night and like an unfulfilled dream

    • #31717

      In fact, I have often noticed it ;-)

      Never argue with an imbecile: he will bring you down to his level and he will win by experience! (To Einstein)

      I would add

      “The whole problem with this world is that fools and fanatics are always very sure of themselves, while smarter people are full of doubt”

    • #31732

      Doubt and uncertainty

      Doubt is one of the 7 emotions defined by Doctor Bach and brings together 6 flowers (Plumbago, Blue Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam, Gravelle and Wild Oats). Doubt is at first glance a positive feeling that pushes us to seek the truth and establish certainties. It becomes problematic when this uncertainty becomes almost permanent. Thanks to these 6 flowers, your capacity to lack certainties will decrease, in particular thanks to the plumbago which will make you gain in wisdom or the blue gentian which will take you out of a state of pessimism.

      It would be tempting, but it has never been proven :negative:

      then I will settle for the sublime Bach prelude ;-)

    • #31741

      when we think that Shakespeare wrote the King Lear during the quarantine due to the plague, it should open up perspectives, but I doubt it :scratch:

    • #31795

      Doubt and reason

      I think it was Pascal who said that “ the last word of reason is the disavowal of reason

      it couldn't be more true

    • #31797

      What we must understand is that to doubt is to put everything around us into perspective, even the world, as Descartes tells us.

    • #31798

      Hence the existential question that I must ask myself

      Should I doubt ZHPSuite? : Whistle:

    • #31803
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Hello Ernesto,

      Should I doubt ZHPSuite?

      “doubt” comes from this idea?

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #31807

      meh, it’s a doubtful idea ;-)

    • #31812

      It's wonderful people who have certainties, who never doubt. They are concrete people. But you have to be wary of concrete. The slightest crack in the wall can cause the entire house to fall.

      Moral: so doubt, you will not risk seeing the house fall on your face

    • #31813

      I had a revelation this morning, I met someone, from a distance, he seemed stupid, up close I was absolutely certain.

      Maybe it was me!!!! : Whistle:

    • #31816

      If I doubt that there is life after death, I am sure that there is death after life

    • #31817
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      If I doubt that there is life after death, I am sure that there is death after life

      I agree with you ! : Whistle:

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #31820

      I think I started to doubt when I was told that Santa Claus didn't exist. I said to myself that if I had been lied to about that, why wouldn't they have lied to me about everything else? and I started looking for statements or ideas that could not be contradicted by anyone. Hard journey of thought but so rewarding!!!!

    • #31832

      But it's also true that statements that cannot be contradicted, like 2+2=4, are very boring. Let me explain. Had I ignored this absolute truth, I would have been neither happier nor more unhappy. I did not derive a minute of joy from this truth. I understood that at a certain stage in our lives such a fundamental truth could be so useless ? The essential being elsewhere, Music, poetry, etc., everything which is born from something other than two and two make four, and which could be annihilated without the reality of the world being diminished. But I see that I ignite and become lyrical, is that reasonable? : Whistle:

    • #31854

      A doubt comes to me

      To Descartes' cogito “I think therefore I am” Sartre responds that existence precedes essence, for him above all else “I am, I exist”.
      therefore thought itself presupposes existence which remains primary.

      This makes me think I'm going to have to go fill up my car with gas. :yahoo:

    • #31859

      Faced with the doubt that assailed me (see the previous post), I had to empty my mind (in my head) before filling up (in the tank)

    • #31862

      Although given the price of gasoline, I'm more afraid of filling up than emptying

    • #31871

      Especially since if I come home “full”, it risks creating a void around me!!!! ;-)

    • #31885

      Let us be clear, if I praise doubt, it is Cartesian doubt and not skeptical doubt. We must be aware that between the two doubts there is a gap, : Whistle:

    • #31898

      Of the surest things, the surest is to doubt.

    • #31924

      THERE is one thing I have no doubt about, and that is that at the end of this pandemic, if anyone dares to invite me to a masked ball, I will punch them in the face :yes:

    • #31933

      I often asked myself questions about my intellectual abilities, and then one day I read this

      Genius is having talent all the time; talent is having genius from time to time; intelligence is knowing that one has neither genius nor talent.

      So I knew I'd just be smart, it's not so bad : Whistle:

    • #31934

      I doubt in binary, to place it in a conversation, it is not obvious

      01101010 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01110101 01110100 01100101

      the same for the Cartesian cogito

      01001010 01100101 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101110 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 01100011 00100000 01101010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01101001 01110011 XNUMX

    • #31956

      Would doubt of doubt be the antidote to doubt?

      but we also need an antidoubt of the antidote?

    • #31970

      It is only in front of this that all my doubts disappear

    • #32025

      in relation to beauty, Jean Anouilh said:

      Beauty is one of the few things that does not make us doubt God.

      it is the philosophical duality between immanence and transcendence. As far as I am concerned it would not be “God” which I would not doubt but a transcendence in its classic definition namely “Which goes beyond action and knowledge, which supposes a superior principle” and I would add: ” which cannot be named.

    • #32038

      On the other hand, when I see the vulgarity of Corinne Masiero at the Cesars ceremony, I understand that we can doubt the existence of God :yahoo:

    • #32062

      Suddenly a doubt comes to me, if we get rid of this virus, won't we be forced to kiss again, shake hands and become sociable again??

    • #32094

      At first, it will be hesitant and very soft


    • #32107

      I believe much more in what escapes us than in what we think we grasp.

    • #32120

      “We can doubt everything, except our duty to always be at the side of the humiliated who struggle.”
      Che Guevara.

    • #32121

      great quote (1974) , terrifyingly topical

      “”When everyone constantly lies to you, the result is not that you believe these lies but that no one believes anything anymore (…). A people who can no longer believe anything cannot form an opinion. He is deprived not only of his capacity to act but also of his capacity to think and judge. And with such a people you can do whatever you want.”

      Hannah Arendt

    • #32144

      In fact, it's not the lie that bothers me, it's the insult to my intelligence that I find offensive.

    • #32153
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #32157

      Of that, I have no doubt ;-)

    • #32176

      in summer, To stay cool, there's nothing like the shadow of a doubt.

    • #32192

      For two days I had no more doubts, I went to see my psychotherapist who prescribed me

      BFM cnews, France Info, TF1, A2, it’s up to you continuously for a whole day

      The treatment was radical

    • #32193
      Alain Mas

      For two days I had no more doubts, I went to see my psychotherapist who prescribed me

      BFM cnews, France Info, TF1, A2, it's yours continuously for a whole day

      The treatment was radical


    • #32201

      There is another solution, she told me, and that is to have a poster of this character, every time you look at him, doubt will creep more and more into you, but you have to be able to tolerate it, there are annoying side effects, such as vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, allergic skin reactions.

      To see the photo


    • #32251

      I have doubts about the astra-zeneca vaccine

      In Latin: astra is the plural of astrum, “star”. Ad astra means “towards the stars”.

      It’s not a very engaging prospect. : Whistle:

    • #32265

      some thoughts to ponder

      “Philosophy teaches us to doubt what seems obvious to us. Propaganda, on the contrary, teaches us to accept as obvious what it would be reasonable to doubt. » [Aldous Huxley.]

      "In these times of universal imposture, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. [George Orwell.]

      “The more a society moves away from the truth, the more it hates those who tell it. [George Orwell.]

    • #32437

      I dreamed last night that I no longer doubted, that everything seemed simple and full of certainty. I would have liked the dream to continue indefinitely, no more need to ask questions, but simply to let go, to believe everything we are told about vaccines, that the truth was obvious, that lies did not exist. moreover, that corruption was only conspiracy, that our leaders only thought of our good, in a word, content to be an idiot. But I woke up and realized that I would never get used to being that jerk. Phew it was all just a dream ;-)

    • #32500

      Who has never doubted one day cannot know the happiness that one feels when experiencing certainty

    • #32519

      I would add that anyone who has only had certainties in their life cannot imagine the feeling of freedom that one can feel when one doubts.

    • #32563

      When I am overcome by doubt, I no longer know which feet to dance on, I am not comfortable in my sure things :yes:

    • #32601

      Here is an analysis that I completely agree with.

      “Doubt is a rational attitude, it questions the evidence, it questions established principles, it shakes up hypotheses or theories to check if they are valid. Doubt advances, doubt seeks the truth (see Descartes and his methodical doubt), it shakes up affirmations to see if they give in or if they resist. Nothing is healthier or more intellectually honest than using doubt, but it must be a means and not an end, it does not constitute the final result, but the path towards this final result. Doubt calls for being overcome in order to arrive at a solid formulation. The doubt is only provisional. It would not become a state.”

    • #32654

      “Never let your doubts invade you, they could become certainties. Instead, continue to believe in your dreams so that they come true. ~ Alexandra Julien

    • #32689

      Doubt is the best antidote to blind belief

    • #32690

      AND I would say in the same way that methodical doubt (Descartes) is the best antidote to skeptical doubt

    • #32708

      I started to doubt very early, even during my intrauterine life, there are some who doubt nothing and who come out prematurely, I waited as long as possible, not knowing exactly what was going to happen. waiting for me in the open air. Finally, looking back, I sometimes think (but that's my neurotic side ;-) ) that I would have done better to stay warm.

    • #32709

      I think it would be better to live your life in reverse, to be born old and die as a baby in your mother's arms. Thus begins the magnificent film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button “, this man who was born at 80 and lived his life in reverse, a beautiful story full of poetry, philosophy, an object lesson on life and death.

      with an absolutely brilliant brad pitt


    • #32747

      For those who knew him, he was the most talented person on Windows that I met. on another Forum, she had a first nickname “Ardwen” then “Enfermesdehors”. Then one day she completely disappeared from the radar screens, I don't know for what reasons. Some people think that she died, at the beginning I actually had doubts, but I am pretty sure today, either that she has changed her life or that she continues in a completely incognito way on the cloth . For what? that is the question as my friend William would say. So I send him this personal message:

      “you have my email address, I finally upgraded to Windows 10 since you asked me, so just let me know” ;-)

    • #32748


      Doubt is necessary for artistic creation.
      Excessive doubt can lead to the gates of obsession, or even to the prison of painful and destructive perfection. :bye:


    • #32750

      Yes, it's true, The doubt of the creator begins with the attempt to convince himself of the necessity of the work he is about to undertake. The doubt is a permanent questioning of the work in gestation.
      this painful search for inspiration Victor Hugo expressed it in these few lines extracted from the poem That we have doubt within us:
      “Also you often see me speaking in a low voice; And like a beggar, with a hungry mouth, Who dreams sitting in front of a closed door, It seems that I am waiting for someone who does not open.”

    • #32752

      I am in a huge doubt when I happen to do a ZHPSuite and I wait for the diagnosis, and in these moments, I understand Victor Hugo whom I quote above :yahoo:

    • #32770

      The doubts expressed by Victor Hugo and yourself @Le Che are bearable.
      Those of certain poets erect a chasm of tormenting obsessions,
      which can lead them to three outcomes:
      Rejection of all poetry, psychiatric internment, suicide. :bye:


    • #32773

      Hello firebird

      I didn't quite understand what you meant when you said:

      “Those of certain poets erect a chasm of tormenting obsessions,
      which can lead them to three outcomes:
      Rejection of all poetry, psychiatric internment, suicide.

      could you clarify your thoughts? I don't like to stay in doubt ;-)

      by examples

    • #32792


      I replied with examples, but my message does not appear.
      Rimbaud, Gérard de Nerval, Léon Deubel, Francis Giauque.


    • #32793

      Camus said that there was only one truly serious philosophical problem, and that was suicide. To judge that life is or is not worth living is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy.

      maybe also for some, “Suicide is doubt seeking truth”

    • #32794

      Suicide is a current problem during these times of health crisis.

      “Suicide is doubt seeking truth”
      It's a pretty fair formula. Suicide is an end point, beyond which doubt no longer exists.


    • #32796

      Rimbaud is a special case in poetry, we can compare him to a meteor, and his destiny, unlike the others to which you allude, is a perfectly assumed destiny. it is assumed in full consciousness. It did not lead to madness or suicide. It led to silence. We have long wondered about the silence that followed Rimbaud's work. Perhaps every work evolves irrevocably towards the inexpressible and silence. But it is also possible that an entire life is enclosed in a single book with everything that has been experienced or sensed. It could be, and this is the case with him, that a life is completed, virtually, when awareness has been taken of it, and in these conditions, the silence which follows that of Rimbaud, is then only the mark unusual, almost scandalous, of a reprieve. So if Rimbaud was reluctant to survive by prolonging by imposture the dazzlingness of ancient discovery, silence becomes for him a duty, a logical vocation and an asceticism.

    • #32811


      Indeed, Rimbaud is a special case.

      More generally, stopping writing to escape a prison of obsessive verse is one of the three outcomes that I have already cited,
      “Rejection of all poetry, psychiatric internment, suicide.”

      Obsessive excellence leading to or combined with madness exists in other fields, for example Bobby Fischer, chess genius.


    • #32812

      You have been warned!
      when you say “stop writing by Rejection of all poetry”

      Rimbaud always considered himself a poet, a seer, and if he stopped writing and left, it was not out of a rejection of poetry, it was as I said above. , because he had said everything.

      a touch of humor to end this post

      when you talk about prison toward obsessive for the poet, there are also alcoholics who are locked up in a prison glasses obsessive :yes:

    • #32815


      You're right, there are all kinds of worm/glass/glass prisons, including the ultimate worm prison, the coffin, where worms delight in our flesh. :bye:


    • #32817

      About “glasses”, Baudelaire did not say:

      "You must always be drunk. It's all there: that's the only question. To avoid feeling the horrible burden of Time which breaks your shoulders and bends you towards the earth, you must intoxicate yourself without respite.

      But of what ? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But get drunk.

      And if sometimes, on the steps of a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the dreary solitude of your room, you wake up, the intoxication already diminished or disappeared, ask the wind, the wave, to the star, to the bird, to the clock, to everything that flees, to everything that moans, to everything that rolls, to everything that sings, to everything that speaks, ask what time it is ; and the wind, the wave, the star, the bird, the clock, will answer you: “It’s time to get drunk!” To avoid being the martyred slaves of Time, get drunk; get drunk all the time! Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish.” »

    • #32823

      Should we doubt our fear or be afraid of our doubt?

    • #32829

      To avoid covid, from this evening I sleep in my car because you can doubt everything but not your Volkswagen :yes:

    • #32842

      I noticed that those who play the big arm, the big mouths who boast of having “balls”, it is to have a doubt on this subject ;-) . And I would add that there are a lot of “no balls” behind their keyboards on certain forums or social networks

    • #32857

      In fact I doubt in order to no longer doubt, it is not paradoxical, what I mean (see Descartes and his method) is that fixed and immutable doubt leads to nothing, but doubt must be a springboard towards the truth is, in a way, a path of transmission, a journey. You have to be courageous to doubt because it involves constantly questioning everything you have learned. but it is at this price that we can access a kind of truth, even if as Ernest Renan said “the truth is perhaps sad”.

    • #32901

      If there is one notion about which I have always expressed doubts, it is chance. Does pure chance really exist? For this I will try to explain why in my opinion chance does not exist, and I will take a basic example. Let's imagine a man walking down the street to go to work, he takes the same path every day. One day he is walking on the sidewalk when a strong gust of wind tilts a flower pot located on the balcony of a building and falls on his head. Well, more fear than harm, but the reaction of the people around him will be to say you were unlucky, it's an unfortunate coincidence. If we push the analysis a little further, we can reason differently. If this gentleman was walking on the sidewalk at that time, it was for a causes very specific, namely, going to work. If we place ourselves on the side of the flower pot, it has always been stable, if it fell precisely that day, it was because it suddenly had a big gust of wind which is the reason. causes . 2 causes, one effect: can we say that it is due to chance. Well I would say, and that would be my definition of chance, is that this one is in fact only the meeting of two independent causal series.

    • #32919



      “There is the sound of death, in this desolate bar,
      Where tranquility bows its head to pray,
      Where music echoes the lover's dreams;
      But when no one put a penny in the machine
      Who speaks bitterly of despair, here
      Where all solitudes make a home
      _ When the worst loneliness descends, silence
      No electronic music breaks the rhythm
      Twice-broken hearts now mended
      _ So more penetrating than the sound of trumpets
      Hear the sound of the soul slipping into this network
      Where all disorder has the simplicity of tombs,
      Where spider life lurks: sleep.”

    • #33025

      All that to say, especially in these times when we hear everything and its opposite

      Doubt is an unpleasant mental state, but certainty is ridiculous. (Voltaire)

      Too much information in your head and it explodes afterwards.

    • #33165

      To my loyal readers : Whistle:

      a bug on the site made me go anonymous inactive for a while, I have now regained my full identity by recreating a new account. So the inactive anonymous person is definitely me

    • #33169
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master

      Hello Ernesto,

      To clear up any doubts, I'm doing a visibility test but I'm not sure it will improve.

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #32791

      Tortured poets


      Here are some examples of tortured poets.
      Rimbaud => Stops writing at 20 –
      Gérard de Nerval => Madness then suicide –
      Francis Giauque => Internment, suicide-
      Léon Deubel => Suicide –


    • #33331


      About “Arthur Rimbaud”, his anagram is: Dry rum bar

      I think it suits him very well :yes:

    • #33820

      After a long period of doubt, I got vaccinated. In fact I followed Pascal's bet on the existence of God and I transposed it to the medical field. If the vaccine serves any purpose, I would have won everything, if it serves no purpose then too bad. : Whistle:

    • #33906


      I suddenly found the doubt I had had

      but I doubt that this would interest you, so I will refrain from telling you about it ;-)

    • #33908

      I found that when I had a doubt I needed “Cards” . Indeed "Cards ” reassure me. Doesn't bluffing in poker cause doubt in your opponent?

    • #33922

      Can we doubt scientific truths? • A priori, this makes no sense. However, Descartes, faithful to his doctrine, doubts • But if Descartes continues to doubt, it is because he seeks a truth even more certain than mathematical truths. His approach presupposes that such a truth exists. It is therefore his will to know which determines his will to doubt. • To discredit rational knowledge, he resorts to a new argument: the evil genius argument. By hypothesis, he admits the existence of a superior and evil being, who constantly deceives him. From now on, everything, absolutely everything – must be questioned.

    • #33931

      I doubt the existence of God more and more, because I call him every day, but I always get an answering machine!!!!! : Unsure:

    • #33951

      I believe in my doubts and I doubt my beliefs, therefore I doubt my doubts : Wacko:

    • #33956

      However, there is one thing I am certain of, and that is that my wife doubts me, I came home late last night, and I found this, I confess that I slept badly


    • #33992

      She did not carry out her plan : Whistle:

    • #33998

      I wonder what question I will ask myself today to be able to doubt ;-)

      If you have any ideas, I'm interested

    • #33999

      Life is a hesitation between an exclamation and a question. When in doubt, we put an end to it.

      Fernando Pessoa.

    • #34024

      Doubt is like the unpleasant and persistent buzzing of an insect circling around you. No matter how much you shake your head to chase away negative thoughts, doubt always ends up coming back to tease you.

    • #34025

      I just read the courage of nuance by Jean Birnbaum. It’s true that we live in a Manichean world. Camus said:
      “We are suffocating among people who think they are absolutely right”, everyone refuses contradiction and the debate is replaced by the violence of words. We can no longer deliver a nuanced speech without being accused of laxity, cowardice etc. Where has gone? the doubt ? In this book Birbaum rereads the texts of intellectuals who never responded to ideology with ideology. Albert Camus, George Orwell, Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron, Georges Bernanos, and even Roland Barthes, who were able to show that in the hubbub of evidence, there is nothing more radical than nuance.

    • #34078

      As we acquire knowledge, we learn to doubt what we thought certain.

    • #34102

      At times I have flashes of certainty, for example, I am sure that Nadal will win Rolland Garros :yes:

    • #34140

      You see that you should never be certain, I was royally wrong about the outcome of the match

    • #34229

      Do not mix up a crisis of doubt which is, if we can say “an inflammation of the brain” and a gout attack which is inflammation of the joints ;-)

    • #34344

      On the first post of this topic, I wrote

      To believe with certainty, you must begin with doubt.

      I would also add that to doubt, you have to start by believing

    • #34682

      I just did a one-week anti-doubt detox treatment, but the results are not conclusive. In fact, to see if I was really immune to the virus of doubt, I did a test when I got home, I opened BFM TV!!!!!!!! : Wacko:

    • #35681

      Well, let me tell you, when I created this topic as anonymous (forum bug which accidentally deleted my avatar ;-) ), I didn't think there would be so many “views”: 2516. You have to believe that doubt pleases : Whistle: . Ultimately, thinking too much about what others think of me risks changing what I think of myself.

    • #35720

      Ultimately, I was predestined to doubt, since I was born in the month “Doubt" : Wacko:

    • #35769
      Nicholas Coolman
      Key Master


      Finally, I was predestined to doubt, since I was born in the month “Doubt” It’s a good find! :good:

      Free support forum
      Nicholas Coolman

    • #35770

      Note, continuing this logic, and given my distant Italian origins, it is normal that I chose the That as nickname car in Italian” I doubt ” says to himself:
      “Dubito is"

      : Whistle:

    • #35797

      I just read this, and I have doubts as to the truth of what he says

      “Death is, for each of us, an appointment, the place and time of which are not fixed. But appointment accepted since birth “

      Maurice Denuzière

      As far as I know, no one asks to be born, it is the mother who gives birth, and in this sense it is not the one who is born who accepts to die, but it is she who takes responsibility by making him come the world to “condemn” him to death, without him having a say. Life can be compared in these conditions to a long death row. The terms I use may be shocking and yet……..

    • #35804

      The only uncertainty lies in the way in which this sentence will be carried out: accident, illness, old age. Sometimes, at the last moment, we may be entitled to a reprieve, for we do not know what reason the deadline will be postponed. And yet we are not responsible for anything. And, as Camus said: Man knows the “divine irresponsibility” of those condemned to death

    • #35941

      I have doubts about the notion of truth, are there absolute truths or as Pirandello says in his famous play, it is “To each their own truth”
      Is it in the nature of truth that it must be true?
      I would rather agree with Nietzsche when he tells us:
      “Life needs illusions, that is to say non-truths taken as truths.”


    • #35955

      it is also true that “Doubting everything or believing everything are two equally convenient solutions, both of which free us from thinking.”

    • #35963

    • #35983

      Single thought being omnipresent, we can say that “Doubt was born one day when the uniform was taken off.” ;-)

    • #36010

      There are those who doubt the existence of God, but this one (if he exists) must also doubt the validity of the creation of man when he sees what he has generated : Whistle:

    • #36013

      I have just noticed that the anagram of doubt is twisted, hence the question that I ask myself personally: Am I in this twisted mind? : Unsure: ?

    • #36034

      When I see the way politicians lie, I have doubts about their ability to tell the truth. Is lying part of their DNA, and in this case, are they aware that they are lying? Or is lying a necessity for them? and who are they trying to deceive? those who listen to them or themselves. They lie to convince, reassure, harm. Contrary to what one might believe, lying is a real philosophical subject. Is there a true language and a false language?
      For Kant, lying resembles betraying a promise, that of the truth, that one owes. Truthfulness being a “formal duty of man towards everyone”. It is this duty that makes lying an action. Like the promise, the lie is an act of commitment. For him it is therefore a moral problem.
      I read this definition elsewhere
      “An act by which a speaker deliberately distorts or conceals what he knows to be the truth, the lie brings into play what linguistics identifies as the appellative function of language, that is to say seeking to challenge the listener, by wanting to provoke in him feelings or an adhesion that the speaker does not share.”

      but I prefer what Camus said:

      “The truth, like light, blinds. The lie, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight, which highlights each object.

      your turn to judge ;-)

    • #36162

      As Pascal said about the heart, I could say that doubt has its reasons that reason ignores.
      And then it suits me ;-)

    • #36172

      There are days when doubt sets in, a day like today. I look around me and everything is blurry: too many whys!!!!. I then choose silence. : Unsure:

    • #36174

      I always had doubts about my ability to paint, so I followed Vincent's advice

      “If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘You can’t paint,’ then paint and that voice will be silenced” – Vincent Van Gogh

      I painted, but the voice was not silenced, she was right : Whistle:

    • #36175

      I once ignored an individual to such an extent that I am sure he ended up doubting his existence.

    • #41395

      This morning, a big doubt came to me. Two and two make four, had I ignored this truth, I would have been neither happier nor more unhappy. I did not derive a minute of joy from this truth. I understood that such a fundamental truth can be so useless. The essential is therefore elsewhere born from something other than two and two make four and which could be annihilated without the reality of the world being diminished. It’s up to everyone to find their “Elsewhere”

    • #41396
      Alain Mas
    • #41397

      However, there is no ideological reference in my post, quite the contrary. A simple reflection, common sense it seems to me, no forbidden meaning ;-)

    • #41398

      What I wanted to say is that there are things which for some are very banal, but which nevertheless contain real treasures within them. It's up to us to know how to appreciate them at their true value. When I am at my office, through the window and over the roof opposite, there is a wall that towers very high above the others. It is there, at a precise time towards the evening, that the last rays of the sun rest. Everything around is dull, but on this triangle of stone, there remains a light which is for me of unbearable beauty, and which contains a truth which goes beyond “two and two make four”. Well I'll stop because I'm going to become too lyrical ;-)

    • #41401

      And we have the impression that this truth that I am talking about is there, within reach, that we only have to reach out our hand to grasp it so that everything becomes clear, but we don't do that. And the doubt returns!!!!

    • #41672

      Suddenly this doubt came to me:

      What if everything was just an illusion that nothing existed and we were each of us in someone's dream?

      perhaps in these conditions our death would correspond to his awakening. So, as far as I'm concerned: I say to myself as long as he doesn't wake up too early.  : Wacko:

    • #41686


      since the beginning of this topic, I have more and more the impression of rambling, which is what I feared the most : Whistle:

    • #41711

      I doubt myself so much that I sometimes ask my friends to call me to see if it's really me who answers. : Unsure:

    • #42232

      In doubt , before embarking on a project, make sure you have the resources available ;-)

    • #42252

      I just noticed that straightness and the anagram of certainties

      let us then say that certainty is a rectitude of mind which distances us from the truth

    • #43361


      When Voltaire wrote: “doubt is an unpleasant mental state, but certainty is ridiculous”

      Was he sure of himself?: Whistle:

    • #43364

      In 24 Hours of Doubt, having just one minute of certainty, how good that must feel  :yes:

    • #43365

      I have a doubt, we talk about the right to life, but never the right to non-existence. Did I decide to be born? obviously not, so would God play dice?: Whistle:


    • #43387

      When intimate convictions become absolute certainties, madness awaits, barbarism too. This is why, while defending one's choices, one must cultivate philosophical doubt. (Roger-pol Right)


    • #43409

      scientific truths are part of doubt and rationality.
      But doubt is creative: thinking that nothing is certain is not the same as thinking that nothing is true!

    • #43416

      For obvious reasons the month I prefer is the month Doubt ;-)

    • #43421

      As much as we can make a clear difference between doubt and certainty, this difference appears more complex in its nature between doubt and certainty.ina certainty which is more of a philosophical reflection on particular concepts.

    • #43425

      In any case, in case of serious doubt, I always have my anti-doubt at hand.

    • #43426

      It's strange, but when I was younger, I never doubted, in fact when I had to take an exam, I rarely revised, because I told myself that to revise was to doubt one's talent, and it worked!!!!: Whistle:

    • #43428

      It's only when I look into the eyes of my little Mimi (see below) that I no longer doubt. True beauty is recognizable in her eyes which stare at me, and which from time to time transmit to me messages from a world I do not know. The truth, at least the tiny part that I hope to grasp, is born from the purity or intensity of his gaze, there are no other truths than contemplative!!!

    • #43491

      You see, sometimes I doubt everything so much that I'm not always sure I'm sure I'm doubting : Whistle:

    • #44063

      There is only one fundamental philosophical problem, said Camus, and that is suicide, referring to the absurdity of life. Is life worth living? . Does life have meaning ? man is a conscious being who defines himself in relation to time. Being by nature rational, he needs answers to the questions he asks about the world around him. This one remains totally silent, and it is this confrontation between this need for clarity of man and the silence of the world which creates this notion of absurdity defined by Camus. So there came a day when man said to himself “what’s the point”? because he knows, because he is a conscious being, that it is this certainty of death at the end of the road which reveals its absurdity. Some people create a hypothetical religious beyond that would give meaning to life (religion is the opium of the people, Marx said). Camus rejects these various attempts which only aim to avoid confronting the absurd. However, in his theory of the absurd, he rejects the idea of ​​suicide. The absurdity of the world is not a resignation, on the contrary it must energize us and make us aware of the importance of our actions, however absurd they may be. So, while being aware of the meaninglessness of life, we must “enjoy” this life. As he said in a striking phrase “To live is to bring the absurd to life. Bringing it to life means above all looking at it.” and act. Well, I'm not going to elaborate further, it would be too long. If science, through the enormous progress made, can explain the how of things, it cannot explain the WHY , and that's why I'm interested  . To come back to the question: does life have meaning?  I have a huge doubt, but that’s in keeping with my inveterate doubter’s temperament, right?

      PS: along these lines: perhaps we could never find meaning in life without first experiencing its absurdity. (Václav Havel)

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